Water Freedom System

The Water Freedom System Will Completely Change Our World

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Water Is Rapidly Becoming “The New Oil” And People Are Starting To Look At Water Much Like A New Gold Rush.

The situation has grown so dire that the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence now ranks water scarcity as a major threat to national security alongside terrorism.

This means that every year, competition for a clean, copious supply of water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sustaining life intensifies.

Sadly, the competitors include thieves, big corporations and even our government…

Yet, how did we get in this life-threatening situation?

The First Reason Is That Most Of Us Take Water Completely For Granted…
We tend to think of water only as it’s coming out of our tap in the morning when we’re brushing our teeth or washing vegetables or whatever.

But, in fact, water is imbedded in everything we use and buy and do throughout the day.

Your morning shower takes 17 gallons of water and growing the coffee beans for your cup of joe took upwards of 34 gallons…and it takes 13 gallons of water to generate one gallon of gas…

We All Heard About These Recent Tragedies…

Fourteen of the world’s 20 megacities are now experiencing water scarcity or severe drought conditions.

Just a few years ago, the 2011 Texas drought was raging at full throttle and we saw emaciated longhorns, desiccated fields and burning prairie grass. Stories of small towns literally running out of water made headlines.

For years, we have been warned that Dust Bowl conditions would be returning to the country, and as this drought continues to stretch on we can now see it slowly happening all around us.

Most people don’t realize that things are going to get worse than this…Much worse!

The United States is on the verge of a national crisis that could mean the end of clean, cheap water.

Hundreds of cities and towns are at risk of sudden and severe shortages, either because available water is not safe to drink or because there simply isn’t enough of it.

What Are We Going To Do Once All The Water Is Gone?

Well, I immediately began researching every single alternative I could find.

I considered drilling a new well, and I looked pretty much into this option. However, I found out that well-drillers are working overtime and farmers and homeowners short of water now must wait in line more than a year for their new wells.

Moreover, wells that used to strike water at 500 feet deep must now be drilled down 1,000 feet or more, at a cost of more than $300,000 for a single well. Money I just haven’t lying around…and according to scientists they will all dry out eventually…

Next, I considered filtering water.

But, maybe you heard that we have a major toxic-chemicals-in-water problem.

And we have been drinking, bathing in and cooking with water containing unsafe levels of chemicals such as arsenic and fluoride for months…

So the idea of filtering water is becoming an impossible mission…

So I had only one option…

If I wanted to make sure my family never goes through such an experience again, I had to create my own solution.

It had to be something cheap.

And fast and easy to build because I definitely didn’t have any technical skills to build complicated stuff.

Being a farmer doesn’t really offer those kinds of skills.

So I started looking into every other solution that could bring me the security for my family.

Many sleepless nights passed and I was getting tired of surfing the Internet for a simple solution.

Yet one day, Liz, my wife, reminded me about my uncle Phillip and his research in the military sector.

On top of that…his life-goal was to save the planet and offer our children a better life.

As a professional researcher he had all the resources he needed to do it.

And, setting his goal to “Help humankind”, as he said, he dedicated his life to discovering new technology.

And he did a thorough research.

I remembered him telling me how when he was on the battlefield…military troops in some of the toughest field conditions in the world were able to source drinking water out of thin air.

That very moment I realized the answer I was looking for
was in front of my eyes…

I later found out that the innovative system he told me about was invented by a brilliant professor as a portable water generator, which extracts water from the air…

This device is being used with great success in the military sector by armed forces from seven countries, including the United States, India, France and Mexico…to produce drinking water in conflict zones…in the hottest and driest of environments mostly in the desert.

The device is based on a simple condensation principle. It sucks in humid air and cools it down, much like an air conditioner, but a lot more efficient… and transforms it into drinkable water.

That’s the real secret.

What you may not realize is just how efficient such a simple innovative system is…as it eliminates the need of buying expensive bottled water or going through the hassle of drilling a new well…

The water is purified and the unique system can produce up to 60 gallons of clean, fresh water a day…and you won’t have to worry about all the nasty chemicals ever again…

The fundamentals are so easy and if properly applied, you can have a virtually unlimited water supply anywhere…even if you live in the desert.

We finally came up with a prototype that seemed to be
what we were looking for.

The design was brilliant…

And we managed to build it with $270 worth of materials from Home Depot…

However, I’m sure we could have found the parts at a junkyard for free if we weren’t in a rush.

But the most important part is that it was incredibly simple to put together.

You simply had to place the components in the correct position…

And because of the ingenious way the device was designed…

It gave us up to 20 gallons of the purest water per day…Plus, the quality of this water is far better than drinking regulations.

Even more, the system was actually incredibly easy to use – even if you’re terrible at building stuff and have trouble plugging in a DVD player to your TV.

The next step was to test it out and see if it really worked as well as we thought it would.

So we started the device and…

I stood watching in complete AMAZEMENT…

The system reached optimum performance because of the brilliant design uncle Phillip had come up with…

It was providing a steady, robust supply of fresh, pure water on demand…

I could hardly contain my EXCITEMENT of what we accomplished…

Of not just having all the healthy, pure WATER we could DRINK…But also the WATER INSURANCE this would give us should disaster hit…

In truth, I almost couldn’t believe how simple all of this was…

Missing my family, I rushed home with the plans…

I started building the device from scratch, following the steps and using most of the stuff I had lying around in my backyard…and after about 1 hour, I built the device and put it to work.

It ran perfectly.

I mean with just a few cents per hour to keep it up…me and my family was having a virtually non-stop supply of fresh water day in and day out.

That’s probably less than half you pay on your monthly utility bill.

All it had taken me was about 1 hour of my time, and about $270 in initial costs…

And my family was safe and independent.

I loved the fact that I was teaching my daughters such a great lesson about not being dependent on the government or any corporations…

And I felt so RELIEVED to know that they would always grow up in a warm, safe and comfortable home.

Well before long my friends and family members were begging to know my secret…

And when I showed them the simple, portable water generator I’d created…

A lot of them had a hard time believing something so small could be creating water-on-demand.

But after I’d given them the simple building instructions that I had come up with…

And they’d followed them, and created…

Their own “endless water supply” in about the time it
takes to assemble an IKEA chair…

They became believers FAST.

And the results were the same over and over: An ABUNDANCE of clean, fresh water for their family…

They loved knowing they would never have to rely on ANYONE OR ANYTHING for their #1 need in life, even if a disaster turned the outside world upside down…

Soon my friends were telling their friends about my little miniature “home oasis”…

Until finally the number of phone calls and emails from people asking me to share the blueprints with them became so overwhelming…

My wife put her foot down and told me that I HAD to find a better way to share this lifesaving knowledge with the world.

So, I went to work writing out the blueprints, the materials list and a follow-along guide showing the construction process in simple steps…

And that’s how the Water Freedom System was born.

It’s the only proven, EXCLUSIVE step-by-step guide showing you EXACTLY how to create your own “home oasis” TODAY…and how to survive any tough century long drought…

As you already know, this system was specifically created so that ANYONE with one hand can do it – As long as you understand how to turn a screwdriver, play a video, and can somewhat speak English…you can set up this system no problem.

In fact…

You’ll be shocked by how few steps there actually are…

And how short the list of materials you need to build this is.

You’ll see exactly what those steps are, along with a full materials list that will help you build the system from start to finish.

Even though it wasn’t cheap for me to conceive this system – (I put a lot of time, money and effort into it) – I think it’s EXTREMELY VALUABLE…

We wrote and recorded these easy step-by-step, take you by the hand instructions so you can provide clean, fresh water for your family no matter the scenario…and you can download the files to your computer, tablet, or smartphone…

Just LOOK at what you’ll receive today inside the “Water Freedom System”:

  • How this simple method that can pull moisture out of thin air, filter it and turn it into an unlimited supply of pure drinking water with the press of a button. And you’ll discover just how incredibly easy it is to put it together for less than $270 in total costs and in under one hour of your time.

  • Not only will you have an automated supply of the freshest, cleanest water you’ve ever tasted for pennies on the dollar…yet this will become “Liquid Gold” in the middle of any disaster situation…

  • What’s more… because the “Water Freedom System” is very light and portable, it makes for one of the best “emergency” water sources you could ever hope for.

  • Enjoy the sense of security that comes with having gallons of purified water on-demand…even in an emergency…And forget about the worry of storage space.

  • And best of all, it generates FREE water day in and day out – so you can slash your water bill by 30%…60%…even 90% and save thousands each year.

  • That’s just a glimpse of what the “Water Freedom System” will do for you…
To date, more than 11,000 families have used this exact same system to permanently ditch their water suppliers…

So with all of that being said, I want you to pause and think about this for a second…

How good will it feel to never have to worry every time you pour yourself a glass of water?

To never have to feel the stress of not knowing what hidden chemicals you and your family drink, bath or cook with…

To never care about how much you spend on water…no matter how much the prices go through the roof…

And knowing you’ll never have to send a single dime to companies that could care less about your family’s safety.

How happy are you going to be when you join the ranks of the 11,000 other freedom fighters who have already decided that they are FED UP with being dependent on others for the safety of their families.

In just 1 hour from now, you can have the only endless water supply you’ll ever need and the power to survive and thrive through any disaster.

And you’ll save hundreds of dollars each month…and thousands each year…

This is my promise to you: if you use the over-the-shoulder guides, the step-by-step blueprints, the illustrated instructions, and the materials cheat-sheet I’m giving you…

You will create a device that will deliver an abundance of clean fresh water no matter if you live in the desert or any dry zone.

And given all of that…

How much is it worth to you to literally have an
unlimited water supply for your family?

Well first of all, let me just be clear about it, there is no system like this available anywhere in the world.

The “Water Freedom System” is the sum of considerable expertise in this field…and the contribution of a brilliant engineer.

And beyond all the technical innovations that have gone into making this simple and easy to use system…

You also need to understand that this is about more than just water…

It’s about keeping your family safe.

The reason I am so passionate about getting the “Water Freedom System” into your hands is that I NEVER want you to go through what I went through…

I want to give you the opportunity today to make sure that your home is filled with warmth and love…

Especially when you can do it all without ever having to send another dime to the same corporations who are getting rich off your family’s financial struggles.

Ultimately, this is about taking action TODAY…

So I’m not going to ask you to invest $1000 for this secret even though I know it’s worth at least that.

It won’t cost you $500, either…(that’s the amount you’d probably spend on a fancy water generator at the greedy retailers)

I want to let as many people as possible in and help them break free from the ropes and chains of the government and corporations.

That’s why… if you act right now and only on this page, I’ll let you have “Water Freedom System”, including the manual, the schematics, the parts list and all the step-by-step guides…

For a single payment of ONLY $39.69…